GAUSS by gloria k. Therapeutic Jewellery

Magnetize Your Life        Look Good. Feel Good.


 Cape Breton Island has captured my heart and soul with its scenic beauty,

  long enduring history and its people - who continue the tradition of caring

  and courtesy. I am inspired by the sights and sounds of the sea, the coastal

            birds, the aquatic sea life and the wind blowing through the lush green

   forests. The descriptive words emerge with my observations, whispered to

 me by God and the Celtic Fairies - who guide the translation of my visual

experiences into meaningful jewellery designs.

Click HERE for Cape Breton Island seal and bald eagle video


Inspirations Labels inside Gift Boxes

Amber Glow Crystal Bead Wrap. Mornings begin as the sun's golden orb rises from the
Atlantic horizon, spreading rays of amber sunshine and crystal clarity on land and sea.

Autumn Ambiance Cat’s Eye Wrap. Stacks of wood fuel and dry-docked fishing boats,

silhouetted against brilliant autumn colors, foretell of the winter to come.

Blue Fog Cat's Eye Wrap. Quickly without warning, fog rolls in from the sea, creating swirls of

lightest blue gray diffused with white mist, revealing hints of clear images shrouded in mystery.

Blue Storm Cat's Eye Wrap. The ocean has many moods. Calm seas swiftly turn to churning
indigo darkness. Perils are sent and prayers are heard by Poseidon and God.


Celtic Green Crystal Bead Wrap. Countless shades of green ripple through Cape Breton
from the Highlands to the Lowlands. Trees, shrubs and ferns glisten with clear morning dew
while droplets of rain create prisms of crystal moisture on green leaves.

Coal Miner Black Glass Bead Wrap. Decades pass as generations of coal miners bravely
descend into the dark bowels of the earth beneath the sea, to laboriously extract the coal
necessary for their survival while providing "those above" with fuel needed for home and industry.


Fresh Water White Pearl Wrap. The sea has many treasures to offer and its gift of food may
hold a surprise. Mussels in salty sea and fresh water inlets - iridescent pearls nestled in their
shells - await the lucky ones who will discover their hidden jewels.

Fruit Cocktail Crystal Bead Wrap. Mother Earth offers an abundance of fruits and berries
along Cape Breton trails. Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, green and yellow apples
sparkle in the sun inviting hikers to dine on their delights.


Heather Mauve Cat's Eye Wrap. Gaelic history wraps its arms around our Island encircling
land and sea with her Celtic Spirit. Images of Scottish heather mauve and clan tartans are
conjured as pipers serenade enraptured listeners.

Irish Green Cat's Eye Wrap. Across the Atlantic the Emerald Isle emerges from the mist.
At the harbor, hopeful travelers dream of a new beginning - Irish courage and traditions
adding another enduring layer to Cape Breton's Gaelic history.

Ocean Blue Cat's Eye Wrap. The sea entices the watcher with her shifting tones of blue.
A panoramic glance discovers warm shades of aqua marine meandering through cool,
true blue aquatic vistas, creating a scene of wondrous beauty.

Panther Black Pearl Wrap. Dense, unexplored forests abound in Cape Breton.
Hidden in her tree enshrouded splendor are peering eyes and wilderness sounds.
A sleek panther may stride through the Highlands - anything is paws-ible.

Pink Sunset Crystal Bead Wrap. As the sun sets, ocean, shoreline and land is embraced
with a soft pink light - a comforting pastel reassurance before darkness descends and
enfolds our Island with nocturnal mystery.

Sage Mist Glass Bead Wrap . Abundant trees offer home and safety to
fur and feather dwellers. In morning mist or rolling fog, towering evergreens
transform into sage mist sentinels guarding and protecting Cape Breton Island.

Seafoam Green Cat's Eye . Thunderous, crashing waves cresting above the
green tinted sea send bursts of white frothing foam onto shore and rocks while droplets
of clear moisture explode into the salt scented air.

Siamese Blue Cat's Eye Wrap . In purr-fect accord we stroll along the shore - feline with
human companion. He pauses, to absorb the moment; Siamese blue eyes gaze
out to sea reflecting the wisdom of the world.

Solitude & Sand Cat’s Eye Wrap . Uncountable grains of sand, shaped by the tides, offer a
vista of peaceful solitude – where thoughts may wander without limits.

White Cloud Cat's Eye Wrap Coastal and inland horizons are enlivened by ever moving,
ever changing clouds. Swirls of white, melding with infinite shades of grey, part to expose
the warmth of the sun or densely gather to warn of the coming storm.

                                                                     “If my jewellery designs, scenic photos and words express a fraction of the joy

                                                                     and satisfaction I discover in nature –  I have succeeded.” 


                                                             “Cape Breton, How do I love thee?

                                                                                                                Let me count the waves.”                             gloria k.


                                                 ©Copyright 2005-2020   ®All Rights Reserved


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Fortress of Louisbourg Siege 1758 Slide Show    Cape Breton Island Seal & Bald Eagle Video